A Brief History Of The World In Planetarian 《星之梦》的世界 简史 by Seung Park …The nations shall erumble and the Rian shall fall and the Junkers shall inherit the earth…
The Fall of the Modern World In the future depicted in planetarian, mankind depleted Earth's natural resources. Yet the human population continued to grow, reaching levels that an already-overtaxed agricultural system could not hope to keep up with. The United Nations at the time proposed a broad international initiative that was known as the Space Colonization Program. Looked upon as the only solution to all the problems that faced the world by many, it would have been an ambitious attempt to shuttle a majority of Earth's population into outer space, in search of suitable planets to exploit.
And for a short time, it indeed seemed that humanity would be spreading its wings toward the cosmos.
The Great War Begins However, this was not to be. Due to a number of factors, the Space Colonization Program foundered. Riots broke out in all major urban centers of the world, as citizen battled citizen for resources that were becoming more and more scarce. At the same time, leaders of several nations -- world powers among them -- decided to initiate a bombardment of the major cities of their neighboring countries via satellite-deployed biochemical warhead-laden ICBMs. Those nations that possessed similar weaponry retaliated by launching similar bombardments on the offending countries, and those that did not retaliated by launching nuclear missiles.
Millions died in this opening fusillade of biochemical and nuclear arms, millions more died fleeing the stricken cities, and millions more died hastily erecting gigantic quarantine walls around the perimeters of those cities.
Battles erupted at every location in the world, pitting man against man, man against machine, and machine against machine. Prior nuclear and biochemical disarmamentation(
disarmament) treaties were thus proven to be not worth the paper they had been printed on as every nation participated in what amounted to nothing more than wholesale massacre. And this time around, unlike in previous wars, the privilege of neutrality was granted to no one.
战争伊始 然而,事情的发展并不如人们所愿。由于一系列因素而流产了的“太空殖民计划”所带来的恐慌席卷着世界上每一个中心人类聚落,先前悲观主义者预计的一切都发生了,国家内部的暴乱此起彼伏,公民们互相残杀,为了争夺日益稀缺的各种生存资源。与此同时,“最后的资源争夺”也逐步演化成了全球范围的大规模“热战”,属于世界权利中心的几个主导国家的所谓“领导人竟打算向邻国的主要城市伸出魔爪”,领土争端使得 人类为自己所铸的“达摩克利斯宝剑”终于落到了它们主人的头上,当一方按下了向目标地发射卫星部署的填充生化武器弹头的洲际导弹的按钮时,殊不知不过多久,他们就会尝到对方送来的核弹头的滋味。受侵犯者向侵犯者的以牙还牙是理所当然的,可连那些未发动侵犯的国家也未能幸免而受到“特殊眷顾”。
A War Without People Left to Fight It
By the end of the first year of the War, the human population of the world had been halved. Every year for ten years, this number was halved again, and again, and again, and again. By the end of ten years, the nations that had initiated the orbital biochemical warfare bombardments that had touched off the War no longer existed. And yet the War, having taken on a life of its own, raged on.
The human armies of the world had rapidly become decimated in the conflict, so instead the surviving nations deployed autonomous battle mechs known as "Warmongers" onto the battlefields, along with autonomous hunter-killer tanks known as "Hedgehogs" and anti-personnel drones known as "Menschenjagers". Even when there were no human beings left to fight the War anymore, the fighting still continued ... for the point of the War had stopped being about the conquest of land a long, long time ago.
Now humanity had nothing but the internecine creed of revenge and massacre to call its own.
战争不需要人留下而继续 战争的第一年很快就结束了,此时人类人口只剩下了原来的一半。之后连续十年,它的数目就是这样缩减着,直到最初动用“空天 生化武器”(OBW)的国家均已覆灭。即便如此,如同焕发出自身生命一样,这个世界的战火仍在熊熊燃烧着。
The Final Massacre and the Aftermath
Little is known about this event, other than the fact that it was the thing that brought the War to a close. Of all the soldiers -- human and mechanized -- that dove into this fray, few indeed returned alive. Fewer still failed to succumb to the combination of their war injuries and the genetically-engineered bacteria that had grown rampant on the battlefields.
Many other things disappeared along with the death of most of the world's human population. The concept of a single standardized time was among the casualties, along with the concept of a census and the appreciation of fine art. The museums, centers of learning, and wonderous(
wondrous) cities of the modern world were now but a passing memory as mankind strove to pull itself out of the grave that it had dug for itself.
最终的屠杀和战后创伤 谁都无从知道,这一切是如何发生的,我们所能知道的,是这一场“大屠杀”结束了战争。所有的涉及这次事件的“战士”,无论是肉身还是机械化,都没有回来。极少数存活下来的,也只得在人工菌种肆虐的战场,在战争带来的各种伤痛之下继续苟延残喘着。
The Rise of the Junkers and the Advent of the Rain For a time, the few thousand human beings left on the Earth lived in relative peace, giving birth, for once, to children and not to weapons of enormous destructive potential. At the same time, adventurers began to delve into the ruins of the fallen cities, looking for still-functional remants of the old world -- things like MRE's, weapons, fuel cells, and especially cigarettes and liquor. They were labeled "Junkers" by the people around them, for they led their lives meandering from abandoned city to abandoned city, looking amidst the junk for things to sell.
And then, the Rain began to fall. Except it was like no rain that humanity had ever seen before. It fell continuously, blotting out the sun and obliterating the seasons. It killed the plants, poisoned the soil, dissolved concrete, caused steel to corrode and melt, and turned people into dead bodies.
The Plundering of the Sealed Cities / Planetarian Begins One side effect that the Rain had, other than completely destroying the ecosystem on the Earth, was that it melted away in fairly short order the vast concrete sarcophagi that, like testaments to humanity's hubris, had enveloped most of what had been the major urban centers of the world before the War. These abandoned urban areas, known as sealed cities, quickly fell prey to the Junkers with the demolition of the quarantine walls. However, those Junkers who infiltrated their way into the cities found that they had made a dire mistake -- squads of still-functional Hedgehogs and roving packs of Menschenjagers still filled the streets of these dead cities.
... and in the very center of one of these sealed cities, there still stood a tall skyscraper, rising like a magical tower out of the darkness ...
封印城市中的掠夺/废墟中的故事开始了 “雨”不仅彻底摧毁了地球生态系统(生物圈),还让那些如同人类傲慢自大的遗嘱一般在昔日的繁华大都市中伫立着的广袤无垠的“水泥棺材”转眼间化作了泥块和骨架,于是出现了被称为“封印城市”的城镇荒区。不少“封印城市”的隔离墙在雨的侵蚀下遭到毁坏,如同打开了一扇窗口一样,很快吸引来了大量“废墟猎人”。然而这些潜入了这些荒废城市的冒险家,发现自己犯了一个严重的错误——成批处于扫荡模式的“刺猬”和在城市中游走式结队作战的“人类猎杀者”如同死神一样在前方的街道上等侯着迎接他们。