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前半部分是按照雪飘的翻译,后半部分带括号的是自己瞎翻的 ,对应ana 8分钟的版本
[al:clannad ost cd3]
[by:小白eva / 小猫gb]

[00:11.51]The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds.
时空荏苒 如风似云
[00:22.15]Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places.
宛如心迹 毫不停息
[00:37.07]The place is so far away, be far apart.
彼方之远 支离破碎
[00:47.42]people's hand does not merely has (the) worship.
无法触及 唯能礼敬
[01:01.86]The place is a lofty lord. can't meet nobody put on.
高高在上 君临万物
[01:12.99]We will lose the lofty which changes.
转瞬即逝 变幻莫测
[01:26.89]Not all were desired. However, we're never sad.
绝非遂心 从不气馁
[01:38.30]still, there is still the place.far away. far away.
(约定之地 其路漫漫)
[01:53.22](The wind) blows through the place. an endless, with all.
(秋风萧瑟 永不止息)
[02:03.69]Like the ripple float on the water. It blows at as it goes.
(好似涟漪 来之又去)
[02:17.68]the place is No make at all. Nothing is shown.
(不毛之地 万物沉寂)
[02:29.45]Like the sand clasped by hand. It falls vainly.
(仿佛流沙 徒然消逝)
[02:44.40]The place is (a) profound lord,and wear the vain faint light.
(深邃之地 灯火阑珊)
[02:54.58]But we will find it in the place.The hut at which it stands still.
(蓦然回首 陋室已觅)

[03:08.70]if not cencerned with all, It will maintain that No dye.
(倘若无爱 终将毫无生机)
[03:20.26]therefore there is still the hut.It's lonly, solitary.
(空留陋室 孤独凄凄)
[03:34.68]no halt at the soars to the sky.
(风儿不止 拥向蓝天)
[03:45.71]Like the verdure (which) meets with sunrise, It grows up as reborn.
(沐浴阳光 大地复苏)
[04:00.39]The hut has held new one.that's different from all.
(小屋迎客 迥然不同)
[04:11.04]like the sand castle of the children,but realized with the mind.
(虽是陋室 唯吾德馨)(形若沙雕 神若宫殿)
[04:25.54]The person is a vain statue.wear taciturnity calm.
(客如石雕 天性静默)
[04:36.47]still,We will know a huge flow.It is stopped by nobody.
(暗藏洪流 无人能息)

[04:47.62]soon, the wind wears the snow cloud. will be dyed to snow-white.
(雪舞轻盈 银装素裹)
[04:59.16]Summer gr*** will incline,No sunlight,feebly shade.
(绿色消散 暖日匿迹)

[05:42.29]The place buried in deep the collapsing castle.
(厚厚白雪 吞噬大地)
[05:52.61]like the head of the shade,figure will be thrown away.
(就像亡灵 躯体不再)
[06:07.15]The hut buried in deep snow.It sinks in to the flood.
(没过陋室 融入雪流)
[06:18.64]and the "not dyeing" is dyed out,and waits for a oppose one.
(所谓不变 终将改变 变成对立)
[06:32.16]Even if all are healed, be gonna no return.
(就算复原 也别再回首)
[06:43.70]there is still the place.far way. far away.
(但此地仍存 其路漫漫)
[06:58.79]The place changes and goes. Like a wind, like clouds.
时空荏苒 如风似云
[07:08.94]Like the traces of the heart, no halt at the places.
宛如心迹 毫不停息
[07:25.62]The place is a lofty lord. can't meet nobody put on.
高高在上 君临万物
[07:36.01]still,there is still the place. far away. far away.
(此地永在 其路修远 其路漫漫)

最后编辑goodbest 最后编辑于 2008-07-17 11:06:44
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