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[诗歌] just want to write AN english 

[ 19199 查看 / 13 回复 ]

回复:just want to write a english&nbs

Full of humour...and mistakes, = =||
but a nice 'poem',if it is a one.

And the next:
Excuse me for my correcting your mistakes:

以下引用憶星在2006-10-6 12:53:18的发言:
i almost fall sleeo all periods,

i almost fall asleep all periods,

And please pay attention to your tense form.
You'd better use the past from.

Then, the past form of 'fall' should be 'fell'. = =|||

And the last mistake...(orz) you miss an article here:
other people said that a(or the) fool never got a gold,
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