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[讨论] 为什么KEY社游戏的男主人公都是些穷光蛋?

[ 23394 查看 / 41 回复 ]


回复: 为什么KEY社游戏的男主人公都是些穷光蛋?

rich or poor y this is so important?
the most important thing is the story that bring the tears out and it make u feel the world is not alone
sure the guy in AIR is a bit ........... but still he have a good heart and that is more valueble then any thing elys isn't that right?
and still the guy in Clannad isn't poor at all if he is poor y he would spend alot of money to help Kotomi fix her garden???
o and btw every 1 i haven't finish playing Tomoyo After story but i finised reading the comic and just want ask if any 1 can answer that what happent to tomoyo's boyfriend???  y he is lost his memory and is there gonna be another story about what happent to Tomoyo after her boy friend died????
本主题由 见习版主 小汀 于 2011/9/12 20:38:28 执行 主题分类 操作
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